- конкурсна програма
Мъртъв размисъл
Paul Wenninger
година: 2017
Drawing on film
Късометражни филми [от 1 до 10 мин.]
Paul Wenninger
Jérôme NUNES
В програмата:
"Мъртъв размисъл" е разходка по булевард "Рингщрасе" във Виена и оттам отивате в града, да паднете, да ядете и накрая да се озовете в тоалетната. Смъртта винаги е там, винаги пред нас. Филмът следва цикъла на живота, ритъма на града. Британско-австрийското дуо на Сюзан Йънг.
Биография на режисьора
Filmmaker, dancer & set fcompoer, Paul Wenninger directed 2 animated short films using the pixilation (stop motion) technique which have been acclaimed worldwide: Trespass (2012, Premiere in Annecy, over 50 festival selections), Uncanny Valley (2015, over 70 festivals, 14 awards and mentions). Dancer and set designer who received several awards, Paul Wenninger is also a filmmaker. In 1999, with choreographer Loulou Omer, he creates Kabinett ad Co., a platform aimed at artists from various horizons. Recently, Paul Wenninger directed the animated short film Trespass (Austria, 2012), which was acclaimed worldwide. TRESPASS was selected in more than 50 festivals (Viennale 2012, Annecy 2013, DokLeipzig 2013, Alternativa 2013...), was broadcasted on the ORF and Arte Creative, and received several awards including the Special Mention as first film in Annecy Festival. UNCANNY VALLEY is his second short film using the pixilation technique. The film was selected in more than 50 festivals around the world and has been awarded 14 prizes and distinctions. Currently, Paul prepares an animated web-series entitled SWAMP and has just completed a short animated film DEAD RECKONING co-directed by Susan Young.