- конкурсна програма
Блажената случайна смърт
Sergiu Nugolici
година: 2017
2D computer
Късометражни филми [от 10 до 45 мин.]
Adriana Ionica
Adriana Ionica
В програмата:
Влизайки в антикварен магазин, млад мъж открива интересна рисунка, която крие тайно любовно писмо на гърба си, написано преди 70 години. След като установява, че авторът на рисунката все още е жив, на 105 години, той е подбуден да разбере дали историята е истинска ...
Биография на режисьора
Sergiu Negulici was drawing and his parents took him seriously and studied arts - sculpture in Toniza Art College and National University of Arts Bucharest He started working in the first post production studio in post '89 Romania, Abis Studio, where he worked a lot of projects - as art director, visual artist, animator, lead animator, director , and he became part of the new wave of digital artists. He was participating with his art projects in few shows and art exibitions, he was also trainer In the romanian animation festival - Anim’Est during 5 editions. A couple of years ago he was given the chance to coordinate a small team for a part of a feature animation film and his work since focused more in animation movies. “The Blissful Accidental Death” is his first short animation movie - as a director, co-scenarist, lead animator, cinematographer. He has in pre-production his next short animation - “The Accident” He is currently workig in his own animation studio - Reniform Studio, coordinating a small team of young talented artists.